The new CESQ building will be inaugurated on Oct. 16-17 2023
Please join us at our new institute at the Cronenbourg campus and at ISIS (campus Esplanade) for the following scientific program.
Scientific Program
16/10/2023 (at CESQ)
17.30 – Opening talk by Prof. Jean Dalibard (Collège de France)
18.30- 19.00 – Tours and discussion with CESQ scientists
17/10/2023 (at ISIS)
8:30 — 9:00 Arrival and introduction
9:00 — 9:45 Prof. Yoshihisa Yamamoto (Stanford University and NTT Research, Inc.)
9:45 — 10:15 Dr. Jerome Dubail (CNRS, LPCT Nancy)
10:15 — 10:45 Coffee break
10:45 — 11:30 Prof. Anja Metelmann (KIT & CESQ-ISIS)
11:30 — 12:00 Dr. Johannes Schachenmayer (CNRS, CESQ-ISIS)
12:00 — 13:45 Lunch (ISIS lobby)
13:45 — 14:30 Prof. Daniel Loss (University of Basel)
14:30 — 15:00 Dr. Stanimir Kondov (Atom Computing Inc.)
15:00 — Coffee / end of event