CESQ Headlines

CESQ Headlines

A hub for cutting edge research at the interface of quantum physics, chemistry, materials, photonics and computing in our brand new campus located in Strasbourg, France. Find here the latest news, information of upcoming events and open job opportunities.

Learn more about our mission



Quantum Week 2025 at CESQ

CESQ will be celebrating the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology during the week of 3-7 March 2025 at its premises on the Campus in Cronenbourg. The programme will unfold over the entire week and will cover different aspects of quantum science, technology and innovation including dedicated sessions for the local and regional quantum ecosystem, industry, schools and the general public. For more information and programme, click here.


CESQ Colloquium by Anna Minguzzi on 17/12

Researchers from CESQ, JILA, University of Colorado Boulder and National Institute of Standards and Technology, have have developed a new type of optical atomic clock, using quantum entanglement among strontium atoms to achieve unprecedented precision. This breakthrough could significantly impact quantum computing and precision sensing i the future. For more information, see Nature v.634, p.315–320 (2024) […]


Johannes Schachenmayer wins ERC Consolidator Grant

Researchers from CESQ, JILA, University of Colorado Boulder and National Institute of Standards and Technology, have have developed a new type of optical atomic clock, using quantum entanglement among strontium atoms to achieve unprecedented precision. This breakthrough could significantly impact quantum computing and precision sensing i the future. For more information, see Nature v.634, p.315–320 (2024) […]


CESQ Colloquium by Angela Vasanelli and Carlo Sirtori on 26/11

Researchers from CESQ, JILA, University of Colorado Boulder and National Institute of Standards and Technology, have have developed a new type of optical atomic clock, using quantum entanglement among strontium atoms to achieve unprecedented precision. This breakthrough could significantly impact quantum computing and precision sensing i the future. For more information, see Nature v.634, p.315–320 (2024) […]


Multi-qubit gates and Schrödinger cat states in an optical clock

Researchers from CESQ, JILA, University of Colorado Boulder and National Institute of Standards and Technology, have have developed a new type of optical atomic clock, using quantum entanglement among strontium atoms to achieve unprecedented precision. This breakthrough could significantly impact quantum computing and precision sensing i the future. For more information, see Nature v.634, p.315–320 (2024) […]



European Quantum Technology Summer School

The first edition of the European Quantum Technology Summer School organised by the University of Strasbourg, European Center for Quantum Sciences and ISIS – Institut des Sciences et d’Ingégierie Supramoléculaire takes place in Strasbourg 8-12 July 2024. For more information, please visit the website.


CESQ inauguration

The new CESQ building will be inaugurated on Oct. 16-17. Stay tuned for a scientific program!



New doctoral network on polaritonics and light-matter hybrid systems – positions available

On 9-10th January, a new Marie Skłodowska-Curie doctoral network has kicked off: SPARKLE is a cutting-edge European research initiative with the aim of exploring polaritonics and light-matter hybrid systems. The project brings together 13 leading experts in theory and experimentation from 10 different institutions across Europe. SPARKLE integrates theoretical and experimental approaches to light-matter interactions, focusing on quantum material modeling, probing light-dressed properties experimentally, advancing spectroscopy techniques, and designing customized light sources. Beyond its scientific mission, the goal of SPARKLE is training 14 early-career researchers through an interdisciplinary curriculum spanning theoretical solid-state physics, ab initio material simulations, photonic engineering, and ultrafast spectroscopy. The participants will also gain entrepreneurial and management skills. In Strasbourg, we will be focusing on developing theory models to study how strong light-matter interactions can affect charge transport in semiconductors embedded in THz cavities. If you are interested in a PhD position, please contact Prof. Guido Pupillo (CESQ) or Dr. David Hagenmuller (IPCMS). To be eligible, the PhD candidate must not have spent the last 12 months in France. Check https://www.sparkle-dn.eu/ or https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/288222 for more details.


Project Manager Quantum Sciences and Technologies

If you are interested in research and engineering positions to work on the technical development of the quantum computing platform based on neutral atoms Atomic Quantum Computing as a Service – aQCess  you may send us your inquiry or expression of interest to aqcess@cesq.fr


Three PhD positions available in machine learning for quantum

If you are interested in research and engineering positions to work on the technical development of the quantum computing platform based on neutral atoms Atomic Quantum Computing as a Service – aQCess  you may send us your inquiry or expression of interest to aqcess@cesq.fr


Reception and logistics agent

If you are interested in research and engineering positions to work on the technical development of the quantum computing platform based on neutral atoms Atomic Quantum Computing as a Service – aQCess  you may send us your inquiry or expression of interest to aqcess@cesq.fr


Research and development of the aQCess platform

If you are interested in research and engineering positions to work on the technical development of the quantum computing platform based on neutral atoms Atomic Quantum Computing as a Service – aQCess  you may send us your inquiry or expression of interest to aqcess@cesq.fr